2024 Kids Camp - The Lion and the Lamb
2023 VBS - Stellar: Shine Jesus' light
July 3-7, 2023 we'll be launching kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun. Registration and more information to come, so stay tuned and be ready to register at the speed of light!
2022 Christmas Musical
A Christmas Musical service put on by children in our community, Saturday December 17th at 10:00 AM.
2022 VBS - Come experience Jasper Canyon!

Your kids visited Jasper Canyon, where they learned that they are treasured by God. This was an exciting week of singing, playing games, and learning about how we are all treasured by God, who has created us with unique gifts and talents. We certainly enjoyed this week with new and current friends, and can't wait till next year!
2021 VBS - RESCUED: Safe in Jesus

Wow, we were truly blessed to have an in person VBS this summer, and it was so much fun! Kids and leaders had a blast singing, playing games, crafting and building friendships. Of course we can't forget about the cool animals we had the privilege to learn about and even hold! A shout-out to Zoo2U, who brought their amazing exotic animals: Moluccan Cockatoo, Hazel the Monkey, Rose Hair Tarantula, Argentinian Tegu, Netherlands Dwarf Rabbit, Yellow Ball Python, Indian Star Tortoise, and their very playful ferrets!
Thank you to those who were involved in making this VBS, RESCUED: Safe in Jesus, a reality and all the families and children who attended to really bring it to life! It was an amazing adventure as we discovered more about Jesus and had LOTS of fun together!
Have Questions? Contact us at sdasherwoodparkvbs@gmail.com